Lay on Hands

279 Kč
Skladem - Odesíláme do 1-2 dnů (1 ks)

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Lay on Hands je příručka pro hru na hrdiny z postapokalyptické pustiny, ve které hrajete za léčitele obdařeného nadpřirozenými schopnostmi. Příručka má podobu zinu a je v angličtině. Lay On Hands is a storytelling game zine for one player by Alfred Valley in which you play an unnaturally gifted healer in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Using an unusual diceless system that will have the player spinning a coin and completing real-life dexterity tests, the game has been described as a cross between Ironsworn, Troika and an activity sheet. Combined with striking, grainy folkloric artwork, Lay On Hands is a completely unique experience. You might also be interested in Tundrabower, limited edition supplement for Lay on Hands.

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